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James Hicks

Basic Helpful Hints for Weight Loss

Basic Helpful Hints for Weight Loss

 Anti-Inflammatory Diet Basics / Hypo-Allergenic Foods to Avoid

  • All refined sugar products (candy bars, junk food).

Refined sugar slows the process of detoxification and weakens the immune system.


  • Alcohol, caffeine (coffee, black teas, and sodas) and soy milk, soda and fruit drinks that are high in refined sugars.

Both alcohol and caffeine are hard on the liver.  Give your liver a vacation.

  •  All dairy (milk, cheese, butter, yogurt, etc).

Dairy products are most likely to cause allergies and can increase pain.  Stay away from creamy salad dressings (ranch, creamy garlic, etc).


  • All gluten-containing foods including wheat, rye, oats, and barley, which are commonly found in breads, pasta, and other products from refined flour.

The most common allergies are caused by this group of foods.  By avoiding these foods for a few weeks your system gets a chance to relax and clear itself out.  You may not even know that you have an allergy or sensitivity to these foods because the symptoms may be so subtle.


  • Foods high in fats and oil, including peanuts, refined oils, trans-fats, margarine, and shortening.

Weight management diets are designed to lessen the burden placed on your system by eliminating many foods including those high in fats and refined and processed oils.


  • Pork (including sausage and bacon), cold cuts, hot dogs, canned meat, and shellfish.

Meats, unless organic, are typically high in nasty ingredients such as estrogen, antibiotics, and others typical of processed foods.


  • Corn and tomato sauce (whole fresh tomatoes are alright).

These are common allergens and can contribute to pain and inflammation.


  • Any other foods not listed that you already know you are sensitive to.

Most people discover that when dairy, wheat, and sugar are reintroduced to a diet, they find the cause of all their symptoms. For starters, you can use a pulse oximeter to read your pulse.  First take your resting pulse rate in a relaxed and seated position.  Test one of your potential offending foods and place it on your tongue and chew or roll it around for 30 seconds.  Do not swallow.  Read the pulse meter.  If the food stresses you, your pulse will increase or decrease.  A pulse shift of four or more beats per second from your resting pulse, would indicate a sensitivity to that food.  The greater variation, the more toxic the food is to you.  If you react to that food, spit it out, and rinse your mouth.

 Helpful Tips for Weight Loss

Recommended Advanced & Optimal Healing and Hormone Optimization

  • Do intermittent calorie restriction. Diet variation is key!
  • Intermittent fast, 15-18 hours, after the evening meal until the next day noon meal (7pm-12pm next day).
  • For the week: Feast one day.  Do 5 days of intermittent fasting—keto diet. Then, do one famine day.
  • Fasting day: Water fast all day; or 1 meal that day; or partial fast with 500-800 calories and under 20 grams of protein.
  • Feast day: Eat a total daily of 100-200 grams of healthy dense carbs or clean protein.  Meal 1 at noon, Meal 2 at 6 pm.
  • Incorporate movement exercise: Interval Training and/or Vibration Platform.


For Modified Weight Loss Without Fasting

  • No fast foods, greasy foods, fried foods, or soft-drinks (no diet), pork, chocolate, and dairy.
  • Bake, broil, boil all meats. Trim the fat before cooking.
  • Drink 64 oz of ice cold water daily. Your body has to heat it up to use it, so you burn more!
  • Eat chicken (free range) or seafood (like wild-caught salmon) 4x per week and lean grass-fed beef 2x per week because it takes 72 hours for red meats to digest and eliminate out of your body.
  • Eat 8-10 servings of organic vegetables and fruits daily. Eat a variety, not the same thing everyday.
  • Eat breakfast. Make a protein shake.
  • Have a mid-morning snack of low glycemic fruit or veggie.
  • Only eat ½ banana or a handful of grapes at one time due to the sugar content.
  • Have a mid-afternoon snack of veggie or small handful of nuts.
  • Eat a small dinner of raw and/or steamed vegetables and a lean clean protein.
  • Never eat after 6 pm.
  • Try to avoid pre-packaged meals. Start from scratch.
  • Incorporate up to 20-30 minutes of exercise like high intensity interval training.
  • If the outdoor weather is a hazard, do your workout on a vibration platform.
  • Drink green tea to help detox your system and curb your appetite.
  • Choose foods that burn off slowly, check the glycemic index chart.
  • No white starches—they turn to sugar (white potatoes, white bread, pasta, etc).
  • Use Stevia as a natural sweetener instead of Aspartame, Saccharin, Sucralose (Equal, Sweet’N Low, Splenda).
  • A packet of Equal contains 37 milligrams of aspartame. A 12-ounce can of diet soda contains around 200 milligrams of aspartame. Aspartame is considered a neuro-toxin to the brain.

What to eat on a Ketogenic Diet…..


The ketogenic diet is very low carbs, high fat….effective for weight loss, diabetes, and epilepsy and may be beneficial for Alzheimer’s Disease.


  • Cheeses—blue cheese, brie, cheddar, chevre, colby jack, cream cheese, feta, goat cheese, halloumi, Havarti, Limburger, manchego, mascarpone, mozzarella, muenster, parmesan, pepper jack, provalone, romano, string cheese, swiss cheese


  • Eggs


  • Unsweetened coffee and tea


  • Greek yogurt and cottage cheese


  • Variety of nuts and seeds, soaked and dehydrated—almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, macadamia nuts, pecans, pistachios, walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds


  • Berries—blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries


  • Grass-fed steak, lamb, chicken, turkey


  • Organ meats, organic and pasture-raised


  • Salmon, sardines, mackerel


  • Non-starch vegetables—asparagus, avocado, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, cucumber, green beans, eggplant, kale, lettuce, olives, green peppers, spinach, tomatoes, zucchini


  • Olives


  • Prepared /cured meats, organic, grass-fed, no additives, sugars, nitrate-free


  • Shirataki noodles


  • Healthy fats-coconut oil, grass-fed butter or ghee, olive oil, macadamia nut oil, or avocado oil, cream


  • Dark chocolate and cocoa


James Hicks

Dr. James E. Hicks has a passion for helping people with their health challenges. He believes that removing the stress from structural, emotional, nutritional, toxicity, and electromagnetic interferences, re-balances the body back to optimal long-term health and enhanced quality of life.

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